We are raising funds to purchase a Digital Sign to communicate with the community who we are at St. Andrew's and all we have to offer. We are also raising funds to launch a new Digital Campus to provide worship and discipleship opportunities for people all around!
Around 40,000 people drive by our building every day! A digital sign will help us better communicate the following with every person who goes by:
St. Andrew’s is growing and launching a digital campus is the next natural step for our continued growth. Here are some of the reasons why:
People are online whether we like it or not. Young people are not just going to give up connection to their devices as a way of life. We can choose to bemoan that, or we can meet folks where they are at. Let’s face it, nearly everyone is online.
One major advantage of a digital campus is the ability to cross geographical barriers. Our digital campus will allow us to connect with seekers and unaffiliated Christians in the entirety of the English-speaking world, though we expect primarily our focus will be in the United States.
360,000 people each year search the term “church online” which means that if we could connect with just 1% of them we would grow by 3600 people per year!
We grew invested in our streaming capabilities during the COVID pandemic. Now we have exactly what we need to begin to build a digital campus.
We plan to not only provide an online worship experience but also provide connection opportunities and disciple digital members to give through their time, talent, and treasure to the ministry.
The fierce urgency of the now is amplified by the current state of rolling disaffiliations in The United Methodist Church. Disaffiliations will leave behind individuals who wish to remain United Methodist or who wish to be a part of churches that clearly affirm their LGBTQ family. Some of these disaffiliations could happen in communities where no other local United Methodist church option exists. The St. Andrew’s Digital Campus can provide a safe, affirming, loving digital space for disenfranchised United Methodists to land.