
Every Tuesday, from 03/05/2024 to 05/21/2024, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tuesday mornings, 9:30-11 am
Dates:  Feb 27-Apr 2, 2024
Duration:  6 weeks
Location:  Hybrid
Group leader:  Debi Buck

We are a warm, caring, and compassionate group who loves learning together through book studies, videos, and lively discussions, while having fun and enjoying fellowship as we grow in our faith and travel down the road of discipleship together. All are welcome!

Study:  Remember: God's Covenants and the Cross
Author:  Susan Robb

God’s covenants throughout the Old Testament show the character of God’s promises to the people of Israel. In this book, Susan Robb leads readers through the covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, followed by the new covenant established on Maundy Thursday. The Lenten story culminates with an examination of the cross as another example of God’s promise for a new world. Susan Robb teaches readers the basic lessons of the covenants through a mixture of biblical history and personal stories. Her pastoral character and warm tone provide a basis for understanding God’s promises through history and the role of Jesus’s passion and crucifixion in the history of the covenants.

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