Congregational Care

In Our Church

Congregational Care is an umbrella encompassing a wide range of ministries and teams, all with the goal of addressing the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of older adults, the sick and physically challenged, persons experiencing stress, loneliness or loss in their lives. Ministries and teams include visitation of members who are homebound, hospitalized, and in rehabilitation or care facilities, prayer ministry, and hospitality associated with funerals and memorial services. Congregational Care teams extend the love of Christ through their compassion for others.

  • Care Team
  • Prayer MinistryTeam
  • Stephens Ministry
  • Funeral Lunch Ministry Team



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It takes hundreds of people just like you for us to execute a weekend worship service, hold youth group, provide ministry to our children and accomplish our vision for this church and community each week. We can't do it without you. There are lots of ways to serve, and it can be overwhelming. We suggest you Start Here!

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