Have you ever felt stuck or not sure where to start when it comes to your personal prayer practice? During our next sermon series, we are going to be providing practical and tangible tools that can help jump-start new habits! Whether you are a seasoned “pray-er” or haven’t found a practice that works for you yet, join us to discover ancient prayer technologies that can deepen your spiritual awareness, focus, and connection.
In the kickoff of the "Spiritual Technology" series, Pastor John will show us that prayer is like any art: it’s something we can learn about and get better at! During this series we explore different prayer "tools" – methods and devices crafted by prayer masters over the millennia to help us pray better and more consistently. Your “technology” this week will be a tool developed by monks to help you hack your distractions and use them to pray!
To help you focus and pray more consistently, this bookmark suggests seven times during the day to stop and pray with a helpful prayer prompt for each of those times.
In week two of our "Spiritual Technology" series, we're shaking things up with the prayer cube—a fun way to introduce serendipity into our prayer lives. In service, Roz and Sheila from our children’s ministries will take the lead and talk about praying like children… even when you aren’t one! This will be a great service for folks of all ages.
Using something associated with games and play is a way to come together and pray as a family or to bring out your childlike sensibilities. This PDF includes instructions to assemble a prayer cube and prompts to enhance your prayer time.
In week three of our "Spiritual Technology" series, we're taking a journey through the labyrinth, exploring the intertwining of our inner and outer experiences in prayer. Drawing inspiration from the story of Jacob wrestling with God in Genesis 32:22-31, we'll delve into the struggles and revelations that arise when we engage deeply with the divine. Just like navigating a labyrinth, our prayer journey may lead us through twists and turns, but ultimately, it's about finding deeper connections with God.
Sometimes walking a labyrinth isn't an option - where can you find one? how is the weather? walking may be physically impossible. Here is a finger labyrinth that you can follow where ever you are to connect with God in this current stage of your personal journey.
In week four of our "Spiritual Technology" series, we're rolling with the prayer wheel, a medieval monastic computer! We'll explore how this ancient tool can ignite creativity in our prayers. Drawing from the wisdom of "meditate on these things," we'll dive into the power of contemplation and reflection in our spiritual practice.
The Liesborn Prayer Wheel is a unique tool used for contemplative prayer and meditation. Click here for a PDF version of this tool to print, assemble and use according to the suggestions included.